As 2019 comes to an end, we have compiled most iconic photos throughout the year that defined this year.
While they may be funny, sad, tragic, shocking, powerful or inspiring – they are all very much iconic and each photo is one of a kind.
#1. Fires in the Amazon Rainforest

In the month of July and August, the Amazon rainforest started burning – the biggest fire in the recorded human history. The flames and smoke plumes were even seen from space as NASA and others shared these 21 terrifying images.
In a spark of controversy, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro accused Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio of funding the fires.
#2. Hamberders

Donald Trump has been at his hilarious best even in 2019, as he invited Clemson Tigers to the White House for dinner and served them hamburgers and fries.
To make matters worse, he tweeted saying that he had ordered “1000 hamberders” and made a big deal that “I paid!”
#3. Area 51 Naruto Runner

During the Area 51 raid, while a news reporter was talking about the events – a YouTuber performed the Naruto Run behind him and became instantly viral.
#4. Woman protestor in Ecuador

Protests against the government of Ecuador were quite valiant this year, as fuel prices skyrocketed in the nation. The photo here shows here a woman posing defiantly against the police and state force.
#5. 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots

Gay people across the world celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots against the police raid of the NYC gay bar. That event was the beginning of the gay rights movement, and it is celebrated on June 28th worldwide.
#6. Melania Trump meets Justin Trudeau

The world of Internet and memes was filled with pure joy and hilarity as Melania Trump met Justin Trudeau and this photo came out. Apparently, Melania really wanted to “risk it all.”
Also check: Every time Justin Trudeau was stealing hearts of famous women.
#7. Sophia the first robot citizen of the world is already tired of people

Sophia, the world’s first AI robot citizen was constantly the subject of photography as people wanted to talk to her, ask annoying questions, and take as many photos with her by intruding in her personal space.
She already looks like she is tired of humanity, and existence.
#8. First ever photograph of a Black Hole

Scientists involved with the Event Horizon Telescope Project racked their brains together, and managed to take the first ever photo of a black hole.
We even did a simple article to explain everything that everyone needs to know about the first black hole picture.
#9. Cryptocurrency mining farm in Russia
The mining of the future is not for minerals, but for cryptocurrency. This is a mining rig from a cryptocurrency mining farm in Russia, there are armed guards to protect the rig from attackers.
#10. Hong Kong protests against the Chinese occupation

Hong Kong has been under Chinese occupation for a long long time now, and the people of Hong Kong finally erupted in massive protest and revolution.
A protestor wearing a Guy Fawkes mask behind their head, waves the black flag of revolution in front of a huge crowd.
#14. Protests in India against the inhuman laws and concentration camps

In the year of 2019, fascist government in India passed a law that could strip the citizenship from all the minority, along with poor and lower caste people who do not have land ownership since multiple generations. This would mean more than half the population would be stripped of the citizen rights, and would be sent to concentration camps which are already under construction.
Those who need a history lesson, the NRC in India is very similar to the Nuremberg Laws of Germany in 1935, which eventually lead to mass genocide of Jews by the Nazis. India is headed towards the same path, and a genocide is imminent.
Protests against the inhuman actions of the government have been met with brutal police violence as Muslims are already being detained, and their properties are getting seized by the state.
#15. Tesla’s Cybertruck launch

Elon Musk launched the Tesla’s much awaited Cybertruck, and it was not what most people expected. Its minecraft-like design led to memes, while the mishap with the “bulletproof” window that broke during the demonstration by a single stone’s throw led to even more jokes.
How successful will be the Cybertruck? Only time will tell.
#16. Nancy Pelosi applauding Trump

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi gave a sarcastic applause to Donald Trump during one of his speeches. The image went viral the next day and led to thousands of memes as the memers had a field day.
#17. Gorillas posing for a selfie

In the Virunga National Park at Democratic Republic of Congo, the two gorillas named Ndakazi and Ndeze posed like humans for this selfie taken by Mathieu Shamavu.
#18. Baby Yoda

Disney Plus’s show The Mandalorian showed the baby Yoda to the world, and the whole world melted at his cuteness like they had done for Baby Groot.
#19. Greta Thunberg’s death stare at Donald Trump

During the UN Summit, where Greta Thunberg met Donald Trump – she gave him a death stare that was immediately taken up for the grabs by Netizens as it went viral.
Featured Image Courtesy: ABC News
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