Relationships have so much to offer to us. Be it the responsibilities or the opportunity to troll one another, we take it all, and partake in all of i
Read MoreThe more fun couples find in their relationships, the greater will be their story to tell. Life is never perfect and it is in the little things that w
Read MoreRelationships are so much more fun when the couple is one quirky one. Especially, if they know how to meme up what their partner does so the world can
Read MoreYou find love and everything's totally okay. But don't you wonder what your partner is up to when they return home. The secrets remain unrevealed unti
Read MoreAgreed, that some of the husband and wife jokes that have been doing the rounds for so many years now are no longer funny. But when the jokes are orig
Read MoreMarriage... only the people who get married can experience the what it really means. Of course, it requires one to invest efforts. But married people
Read MoreThe grass is always greener on the other side. Isn't that what we all think? Especially when it comes to marriage? Hell, yeah! When single, we cannot
Read MoreAre you a single woman who is just tired of bumping into the wrong people in pursuit of her dream guy? Well, it's a risky situation, and calculated ri
Read MoreAre relationships truly complicated? Or are people complicated? Or do we make things complicated? Are these questions getting too complicated? Okay, l
Read MoreWhat’s the first word that comes to your mind when we say “marriage?” Commitment? Responsibility? Or, for some, love. But some couples ace marriage wi
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