
Facts About Today’s Online Dating That’ll Shock You

Do you know that there are over 54 million singles in U.S.A alone? Now imagine this number of people using dating services. That’s how much online dating today rules our life. Right from birth to death, we live in a digital world today. While it may seem like life is the same as its always been, these surreal online dating facts will make you think otherwise.

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#1. More than 70% of LGBTQ couples meet online

Courtesy : Wikipedia

Given all the stigma around being an LGBTQ person, it’s understandable how hard it can be to meet similar people offline. This sole difficulty has driven nearly 70% or more of the LGBTQ relationships to start online. Hey afterall, it’s much safer and easier this way right?

#2. 50-80% of all on dating sites lie about themselves

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According to, a staggering number of people lie about themselves on dating sites. Among which the percentage of men and women is unclear. It’s understandable though, the desire to impress at first sight. That’s why these white lies.

#3. 17% of all committed relationships begin online

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17% may look small, but in a populace of millions, 17% amounts to quite a lot. It’s great to know that happily ever after does exist even on dating sites right?.

#4. Nice Guys don’t finish last


According to , nearly 38% of all women on dating sites prefer nice guys. Whoa right? Where did all the bad-boy love go?; well, there’s a reason it’s all in the movies I guess. In reality, women want men who can rock their world and treat ’em right. Keep the nice guys comin’.

#5. There’s a reason you have no matches

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Wondering why you have no matches, it probably can be because of your race. According to statistical data from Tinder and OkCupid it was found that people avoided Black Women and Asian men.( Ouch, not sure for what reason. It has nothing to do with you, plently of fish in the sea, don’t get sad.)

#6. You’ll never guess this

Courtesy : The Motley fool-wordpress

Apparently, dating service moguls like Tinder, OkCupid and are owned by a single company; Match Group Inc.

#7. Did you know?

Courtesy : Harper’s Bazaar

Former Vice President of Marketing at Tinder, Whitney Wolfe founded Bumble. What’s more shocking is the sexual harassment charges she filed on Tinder prior leaving in 2012. The case was settled out of court. Bumble is now a houehold dating service name. Queen Bee anyone?

#8. Date Goals

Courtesy : Ther Verge

OkCupid is singlehandedly responsible for almost 40.000 first dates everyday!. Now that’s a lot of dates isn’t it?.

#9. Dating sites come with a cost

Courtesy : Second Measure

The average American spends a an average of $238 USD on dating sites. Quality service never comes free or cheap now does it.

#10. 52% of all on dating sites are men

Courtesy : Toronto Sun

According to, men are the majority users on dating sites. Falling behind only by a marginal amount, women follow closely as 48% of the users on dating sites.


This world is a world of change. The only thing constant here is change. And what better way to know this than having a reality check. Going back to a dating site after this is probably never going to be the same.

Featured image courtesy : Baby Girl Wallpaper



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