When life gives you lemons, be happy because they benefit you in more ways than you might be aware of. Research studies tell us that lemons aren’t just about strengthening your immune system against viruses and bacteria, but also its peel is antiparasitic, anticancer, and antifungal properties.
To make lemons taste better, freezing them is the best possible option to go for.
Before freezing lemons, firstly, wash and disinfect them with apple cider vinegar. The next step would be to wash them thoroughly with water and leave them in the freezer overnight. The next morning, after grating the lemons with the seeds, pulp, you can add them to desserts, baked goods, drinks, soups, dishes, and the list goes on.
Something You Didn’t Know
While lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, its peel has 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the fruit itself.
What else does it offer?
- Detoxifies the kidneys and the liver
- Regulates high blood pressure
- Treats inflammation
- Fights cancer
- Has a potent anti-bacterial action
- Boosts immunity
- Treats depression and stress
- Prevents asthma
Studies have shown that lemons can destroy malignant cells in different types of cancers such as lung, colon, and breast cancer. Unlike chemotherapy, lemons kill only affected cells and do not target healthy cells.
So, you have more than enough reasons to add lemons to your daily routine. All you need to do is freeze and enjoy the health benefits.