Do you feel shy talking to girls? Are you always wondering about how to start a good conversation with a girl every time you get a match? Talking to a girl is no toil if you do it the right away. You may have got the looks, riches, or the six-pack abs but even they are of no good if you do not know how to start a conversation. The charm lies in being confident and natural.
If you have been looking clues on how to start a good conversation, here is your ultimate cheat sheet to get talking with your next date and touchdown.
Looking for fun date ideas too?
Compliment her

Girls love compliments. So if you are wondering how to start a good conversation with a girl, give her a compliment. Don’t compliment just her looks though. Say something good about her character too. This could be about her recent achievements or a quality you have always admired in her. If you are meeting her for the first time, observe her closely to find qualities that make her unique and then compliment her.
Be funny

If you can’t think of a compliment to start a conversation, crack a joke. Don’t be lame though. Girls like to have a good laugh and it is an instant turn on for them. So, if you are going on a Tinder date, come prepared with some really funny jokes. You can also use these jokes if you think you have run out of topics to talk in the middle of the date. This will get you in the game again.
Ask questions

Asking questions is always a good way of how to start a conversation. Being inquisitive shows you are interested in them. You can ask your date questions like which is her favorite book or which movie she has watched recently. Initially, you could ask about her hobbies, work, or anything recent that may have happened in her life. It is a great way to start a conversation. Then, you can ask her questions about her values, goals, relationships, etc. to keep the conversation going.
Talk about yourself

Although not too much! If she is not much of a conversationalist, then you might have to do some extra work. But that’s okay. You can talk about yourself. Share your opinion about something and then ask about her opinion on the same subject. Tell her about the latest crazy thing you did with your friends or narrate her one of the most memorable incidents from your trip.
What to say to start a conversation over text?

So, you have finally got a match and now probably wondering about a text opener to impress her. Leave deep conversations for when you meet in person. Keep text conversations light and funny.
Don’t start with a cliche hi. Make an effort. Girls like that. It means you have thought about it enough before sending that text to her. Text her something to grab her attention. It could be some cheesy pickup line though not too cheesy that you shoo her away. Start with a knock-knock joke. That ought to make her reply. It always works.
Another thing you should keep in mind when you want to start a conversation with a girl is to keep your basic grammar right. Know the difference between your and you’re, there, their, and there; and you have a future.
Most importantly, just be yourself. Don’t be scared to talk to a girl. Be calm, take it casually and the good conversation will automatically flow if you just decide to go with the flow.