Eggs are power-packed capsules that nature has gifted us with. Eggs are rich in protein, iron, minerals, and various vitamins. In fact, egg is what comes close to being a complete food since it contains almost every nutrient needed for human body.
What makes egg even better is that it is so versatile, egg can be included in any recipe, you can mix it up with other cuisines, and just the eggs on their own can be prepared in so many different ways.
Here we have compiled some of the easiest and interesting ways to cook an egg. After reading this, you’ll be able to perk up your breakfast options with these egg variations!
#1. Boiled eggs

Boiling eggs is the simplest and easiest way to consume them. You can submerge the eggs in water and then boil them for about 6-10 minutes, depending on how soft or hard do you want to boil them. Once peeled, you can have them with salt and pepper, or you can even sprinkle some chopped onions and chilli for a punchy taste.
#2. Scrambled eggs

You can get a delicious and lush taste this way. Whisk the eggs with cream, salt, and pepper and then heat butter in a non-stick pan. Pour the whisked mixture and let it settle for a while. Then start stirring till the mixture starts looking like fluffy curd. You can add melted mozzarella, cheddar, or anything else to it and spruce up the taste.
#3. Cheese omelette

There are several ways to make a cheese omelette. Easiest one, however, is to make a classic omelette and then sprinkle shredded cheese on the uncooked surface before flipping it. If you don’t want to flip it, then you can just carefully fold the omelette with a spatula.
#4. Eggs in the basket

Eggs with bread that has a hole in the middle. Eggs a-la Joey. It’s quite easy to make. Toast a bread, then cut a hole in the middle and pour egg in it as it cooks in melting butter on medium heat.
#5. Poached eggs

Poached eggs have a unique taste and texture, and they take a tiny bit more craftiness from you. Heat water in a saucepan, and let it boil. Then crack eggs into a bowl and then gently place it on the boiling water, wait for the whites to harden. Then you can take the poached egg out of the bowl. Sprinkle salt and pepper to taste.
#6. Deviled eggs

Hard-boil eggs, then cut them open to take the yolk out. Then mix the yolk with shredded cheese, sour cream, mayonnaise, finely chopped spring onions. Whisk the mixture till it’s smooth and then fill it back into the egg whites.
#7. Fried boiled egg

Taking the boiled egg to the next level. Fried boiled eggs can be made in two different ways. First way is to shallow fry them in hot oil, and keep moving them until the eggs are uniformly golden brown from all sides. Second way is to slice the boiled eggs into half, and then fry them in a pan, once the flat side and then the curved side. You can add salt, pepper, and oregano to perk up the taste.
#8. French toast

Classic french toast is a beaut, and a sure-shot way to have a healthy breakfast. Soak a bread in the mixture of milk and eggs, and then fry it in a pan of melted butter until the bread solidifies. You can have it with bacon strips or tomato slices.
#9. Sunny side up

Making eggs sunny side up is the fastest egg recipe ever. All you need is a heated pan, a small chunk of melting butter – crack the egg open and lay it down gently. Leave it still for a minute, then sprinkle salt, pepper and chilli flakes as you’d like. Then take it out. For those who don’t like eating runny yolk, you can flip it over and let the yolk get cooked as well.
Featured Image Courtesy: No Spoons Necessary
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