Only pet parents and pet lovers will understand how animals can be part of the family- that they are children. Pet owners want to do everything they can for their pet babies. For people who don’t like or want pets, it may seem like an added expense. They might not be able to understand why taking care of the pets, taking them to a doctor, caring for their needs, getting them treats gives pet parents sheer joy! And if only those without pets could see the similarity between pets and children. They’re just the same sometimes- the naughtiness, the things you would walk into when you leave them alone for a bit, and just about several other needs and cuteness they express!
Here’s a treat to fellow pet parents, that pets truly are no different than children.
1. “Mistakes were made.”

2. “Have you ever been so tired that you fell asleep with half a goldfish in your mouth?”

3. “Somebody wanted us to know he is teething…”

4. “No ice-cream cone is safe.”

5. “In the pool on his birthday”

6. “My boy, Dave, drools a lot, so my mom got him a drooling handkerchief.”

7. “Look at what we did to your bed: new decoration!”

8. “Don’t move, little doggo! Their vision is based on movement!”

9. “His brother was there for emotional support.”

10. “My cat likes donuts.”

11. “I cannot separate Chorizo and his blankets!”

12. “Bedtime for Piglet and Teddy”

13. “Bentley likes to hide his toy mice under one specific sofa. Here he is with the 13 I pulled out today.”

14. “What do you mean I can only have one?”

15. “Shopping really tuckered us out.”

16. “Benz is naughty, and he loves to steal stuff from the toaster.”