If you have an eye for it, you can find some of the funniest things around us. But what’s the fun in laughing at them alone? Spread the laughter and joy- click pictures and share it with people so they can also have a laugh or two. Look around you- somebody must have done, said, or left something behind that is funny as hell. Even words fall short to explain such situations, hence, the pictures to do the talking. While we talk about it, some have already done it. They’ve found humor around them and get their phone out at the right time. Curious and funny, these pictures to force one to think about what one was thinking when they did, created, or said something like they did in the picture.
1. “Someone’s million-dollar idea”

2. “He obviously waited for too long.”

3. “So very not haunted”

4. “Had the option for an audience…”

5. “Told my neighbor I don’t like snowmen and walked out to this at 5 a.m. for work.”

6. “Found at a local cafe”

7. “What’s your favorite sprot?”

8. “My brother ordered a plain pizza right before they closed and didn’t leave a tip.”

9. “Went to a breastfeeding class today. This was one of the dolls.”

10. “This shop is really trying to help customers with price inflation.”

11. “Pretty accurate”

12. “Nice try, Pennywise. I’m not falling for that again.”

13. “Philly’s special irony”

14. “This sign popped up on a microwave at work. Not sure how to interpret it.”

15. “My girlfriend texted me, ’The milk has gone bad.’ Came out and saw this.”

Which of these pictures did you find funniest? Whichever it is, this sure is a fun collection of pictures that you might want to share with your people! Spread the laughter.