When something becomes too old or worn out to use, we either give it away or we throw it. There’s hardly ever a time that we try to reuse it for the better. But the most brilliant ideas come out of no where to some gifted people. And they inspire the world with these hacks that are no less amazing than the original product itself. They set new standards of how the old can become new, and all it requires is a creative thought and the effort to convert it. Which of these is your favorite reuse hack?
1. “I started saving old fabrics/textiles that didn’t seem nice enough for resale. Finally used them to make this pet bed!”
2. “Here’s my rice bag. I love using this since it’s heavy-duty and waterproof too (which means it’s easy to clean).”
3. “I made a quilt using old T-shirts.”
4. “Empty Amazon boxes from Christmas — saved myself $6 and useless packaging.”
5. “I turned a used cardigan back to yarn and crocheted the yarn into a cat bed.”
6. “Worn jeans turned into scrunchies.”
7. “I made a rug! 6 flat and 3 fitted sheets were kept from ending up in a landfill.”
8. “A reusable shopping bag I crocheted out of plastic bags.”
9. “A zero-waste soap dish from a coconut I ate.”
10. “From ruined jeans to an area rug.”
11. “An old duvet cover repurposed into curtains”
12. “Fabric samples were turned into a funky grocery bag.”
Do you have any such creative ideas that you reuse your old products too? Comment about those and let the world draw inspiration from you! #wastenomore!