Whitney Zelig decided to wear a hidden camera in her bra, to see how many people stare at her chest. The footage from the camera was quite shocking and led to a series of revelations that could be helpful for women from all over the world.
She decided to take a walk on the streets of New York, and eventually she said that she was glad that she did it. The video has crossed a million views on YouTube already.
Men, women, a dog, and many famous faces were caught staring

She says that her social experiment was not to shame people for staring, but for an important cause that needs people to pay attention – breast cancer.
She told Mirror Online: “It was very vulnerable at first for me, but it was worth it. I didn’t notice until we went back and looked at the video, I was just looking straight ahead.”
I was really suprised. I didn’t expect the women to look too, but to be fair everyone loves boobs. I would look too.
Here is the video:
She created the video with the help of her brother Chris and their best friend CJ Koegel.
Whitney says that she wanted to show people that it’s important for women to check their own breasts too, considering how many people from everywhere look at women’s breasts.
She was very happy after receiving positive feedback on her video and she thought the whole thing was funny.
Using humour to send a message

“Humour is one of my favourite things and if we can use humour to raise awareness I’m all for it,” Whitney says.
If one woman is inspired to check herself or get a mammogram from this video I will be happy.
“I’m doing it for a bigger cause. This is bigger than the video or me, this is about our mums, grandmothers, children, sisters and friends,” she added.
Whitney’s mom had breast cancer
Whitney and Chris’s mom overcame cancer twice, and then she was declared all clear and all healthy. About which Whitney says:
If my mum didn’t check herself she wouldn’t be here.
“She was so inspired afterwards that she decided to further her studies and became an oncology nurse,” Whitney says in awe for her mother.
Her brother Chris Zelig and their friend CJ Koegel had done a similar video in 2014, to raise awareness of prostate cancer.
Featured Image Courtesy: Chris Zelig
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