What to do if you feel you’re stuck in a loveless marriage? Life isn’t an ideal place and it’s never all happy or all sad. It has its rough patches and bright spots. Marriage too is like life or take any real long term relationships for that matter it will have its ups and downs. Generally, marriage is a promise of togetherness through thick and thin, till death do them apart.

But if you feel you’re stuck in a loveless marriage then it’s time to contemplate because nobody deserves to stay without love.
Are you really in loveless Marriage?
The first thing that you need to contemplate at this point is to objectively contemplate. If you really are in a loveless marriage? Often what we feel can be deceiving and tainted by our own expectations. This why you need to see things objectively in this situation. Everyone has expectations from their life partner it’s normal.

We often want to be shown love in a certain way as per our expectations. But often people express their love in very different ways than what we expect. What we may perceive as being helpful can often be an expression of their love. For example:- Getting you that morning coffee or buying you dinner and having a conversation about your day with a concern for your wellbeing. But if you still feel that you are in a loveless marriage then read on.
“A relationship is based on communication,” says John Cena. Not just because John Cena said it but really it’s the universal truth about every relationship. Do not expect your partners to know everything about your feelings and expectations. Assuming things about your partner can lead to a lot of unnecessary miscommunications and misunderstandings in your relationship. Always try to express your feelings and expectations to your partner in a clear and patient way without any assumptions and hear their side out too. Even when it is difficult and unpleasant it is important to let it all out and. It’s better to express yourself than to be bitter and alone in your misery.

It’s absolutely necessary to have a smooth flow of communication in your relationship to make the relationship a pleasant experience for both of you. Remember though that great communication is not just expressing yourself and your expectations but also being an attentive listener when your partner is expressing their feelings and expectations from you and the relationship. Great communication can mend the worst type of conflicts and make your relationship happy again.
Get the love back
Often as time passes relationship become boring and we don’t put as much effort into it as we used to before. The easiest way to get the love back into the relationship is to remember all good times and memories you both have together.

Go do what you loved doing together once more as a tribute to the best memory of your relationship. Your marriage most definitely does deserve another shot.
I believe forgiveness is the best form of love in any relationship. It takes a strong person to say they’re sorry and an even stronger person to forgive. Yolanda Hadid

We all have made mistakes and if you have love your partner no matter what and how big the conflict is I am sure you’ll be able to forgive them because of the love in your heart. But if you feel that you can’t forgive each other then it’s probably best to part ways and be happy rather than in a relationship that just makes you bitter.
Featured image courtesy: Thrivetalk.com
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