Keeping plants healthy is a very possible feat. You don’t need green thumbs to make it happen. All you need is knowledge and understanding of how things work in the plant kingdom. Speaking of the plant kingdom, housing indoor plants is an act that’s good for your body, mind and soul.
Tip #1 : Sunshine

An integral part of plant health is the amount of sunshine it is exposed to. Each plant has different requirements. Let’s say you have a money plant on your hands. These kind of plants do extremley well in partial shade. Roughly about 3-4 hours of sunshine. When your plant doesn’t get enough sunlight, there’s no way it can carry out photosynthesis. Meaning, there’s no way it can feed itself. Lack of sunshine leads to dull yellow and weak leaves. So find out what type of plant you own and adjust it’s position under the sun accordingly.
Tip #2 : Water

The first step to becoming a good gardener is knowing how and when to water your plants. I do get it though, the loving granmother convincing you to eat more than you can comes out a lot when dealing with plants. We often feel more is less and end up overwatering. Another case is when you forget to water the green goodness inside your home. This simple trick will help you know when to water and not to. Before you water your plant just dip your finger in the soil near the roots about an inch. If the soil feels dry to touch, then it’s time to water it and if not, refrain from watering it. This way you’ll be enabling the plant to live long without the threat of a root rot.
Tip #3 : Soil

Bloom where you’re planted is an apt saying for this. While plants generally grow in suitable environments in the wild, it’s not so in artifically built apartments and homes. Plants grown in a container need care regardging things such as soil nature and acidity. To know what type of soil is best for your plant, try finding out what type of environment it grows in in the wild. Try to replicate the same conditions of soil in its pot. For example, you may have an adorable succulent which you’ve planted in alluvial soil. (Black soil is known to be fertile). However, succulents thrive on well draining sandy soil. Making the potting soil suitable to the plant will keep it hail and healthy for a long long time.
Tip #4: Manure

Every plant needs to be repotted after a year. This is generally to replenish the used soil with fresh nutrient rich soil. You can also keep your plants soil intact by adding manure to the top layer regularly, like once a month. Vermicompost is a great choice for plant manure.
Tip #5: Love
Last but not least, love your plants. They are living creatures. From my experience as a gardener, I’ve realized that my plants can hear what I speak to them!. They may not be able to speak or move around but they can definitely feel your love for them. In fact, sometimes, the difference between a dying plant and a thriving one is the love it receives.
Featured image courtesy: Connie And Luna
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