A woman’s hair is her glory and similarly, a man’s beard is his pride. It’s something women don’t seem to understand. Well, you can’t blame them, it’s a purely male thing. While you may hate or love your man’s beard, science has a lot to say about it. And it turns out, it comes as a shocker.

A recent scientific study compared the germs present on a man’s beard to the germs present on a dog’s fur. What instigated them to make the comparison? Well, we don’t know! However, the results will shock you.
How to convince your man to shave his beard
The study found that a man’s beard housed more germs than the fur of a dog. Scientists compared the density of germs on beards to the apparent germ hotspots on dogs like mouth, ears, paws, and private parts. It’s honestly kind of shocking to realize this. While many may argue about the fact that it isn’t clearly mentioned if they took a well-groomed clean beard for the comparison or a dirty one, the fact that a male human’s beard outdid the germ concentration on dogs is actually pretty horrendous.

For all you ladies looking for a way to get him to shave, this is your cue. This is the big break. However, if you’re a lady who loves your man’s beard, then you must take into account that we don’t know for sure how well-groomed the man participating in the study was.
The history of unwanted hair
Speaking of beards being germ-infested, we humans have a big problem with unwanted body hair. Especially so for women who spend thousands of dollars getting laser treatments for body hair removal.
If it’s unwanted, why does it grow? Well, given that humans largely existed in forests with scanty clothing in earlier times, our bodies evolved to make sure we survive long nights and pesky insects. Your body hair is nature’s way of helping you regulate your body temperature.

Man or woman, body hair has served its purpose of ensuring we survive. See those goosebumps on your hand when things get chilly around you? That’s your body trying to preserve heat to save you. Though we’ve evolved to the point of being out of nature’s food chain, our bodies continue to preserve early survival tactics. It’s hard to kill especially when it has helped a race survive and evolve to the place we are now.
Beard, Yay or Nay?
Similarly, men’s beards were a sign of testosterone and maleness in the wild. They were crucial for early men in the process of reproduction. Women would always choose the male with the best genes or higher testosterone (hinted by his beard and facial hair), as that meant the children would be strong, aggressive and survivors in the wild. Given that this has, in fact, kept the human race from dying down, men’s beards continue to live on. It’s a part of their body and a sign of hitting sexual maturity, like a woman’s secondary sexual features.
In the end, asking a man to get rid of his beard is as good as asking him to shave off his pride, his identity. However, what men can do about this is by ensuring they clean groom, and maintain their facial locks. This way, both you and your man can live happily ever after. If he can’t keep it clean though, it’s better off living without the beard.
Featured image courtesy: Mum Central
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