
Here’s What The Emojis On Snapchat Friend List Really Mean

When Snapchat was invented, it revolutionized the world of interaction with your friends. Forget about sending texts or pokes on Facebook, Snapchat introduced a much cooler way to be in touch with your friends and acquaintances. While Snapchat has been around for a while, it is still possible some people may still be foreign to its concept, most importantly Snapchat emoji meanings. Even the people who have been on Snapchat for a long time might be unaware of few of Snapchat friends emoji meanings.

What Do The Snapchat Emojis Mean?

But don’t worry about feeling obsolete or a grandpa in front of cool Snapchat kids because we have got you the whole Snapchat emoji guide here.

? Gold star

It means that someone has replayed this person’s snaps in the last 24 hours. It is similar to the gold star you used to get in school, the only difference being that it is much cooler on Snapchat. So, you better find what interesting snap they have posted this time before it disappears.

? Yellow Heart

A yellow Heart means you guys are each other #1 best friend. You send the most number of snaps to each other. Is your real-life best friend also your #1 best friend on Snapchat?

?? Red Heart

The red heart emoji indicates that you have been #1 best friends with each other for two weeks straight sending most snaps to you. If you want your crush to be your best friend, you need to up your snap game.

? Pink Hearts

Pink hearts means an up-gradation to your friendship status. It is when you are best friends on Snapchat for straight two months.

? Baby

A babyface next to a person’s name means you recently became friends with this person. Cheers to new friendships and snaps!

? Face with Sunglasses

If you encounter this Snapchat emoji in front of somebody’s name, it means that you share a mutual best friend. They share a lot of snaps with someone you send a lot of snaps to.

? Grimacing Face

Grimacing face means your #1 best friend is also their #1 best friend. Wait, isn’t it one of those situations where if A equals B which equals C, that makes A equals C?

? Smirking Face

The smirking face is a one-sided Snapchat relationship which means that this person sends you the most number of snaps, and hence, you are their best friend but you don’t reciprocate much.

? Smiling Face

Smiling face means you guys are not best friends yet but you are getting there. Share more snaps with them if you want to be in their BFF club.

? Fire

This could only mean one thing – your Snapstreak is on fire. You have been sending snaps back and forth to each other every day and they too have very well reciprocated.

? Hundred

You only get to see this Snapchat emoji in front of someone’s name if you guys have been sending snaps to each other for hundred consecutive days. Talk about consistency, will you?


Time is running out and you are losing your snap streak with this person. Time to send another snap.

? Birthday Cake?

Yes you guessed it right – it is their birthday. Now, you will only get to see this in front of their names if the have enabled birthday calendar settings in the app. Send them a birthday snap.



Featured Image: teenvogue.com



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