If you enjoy cooking, then you’re probably always on the lookout for something new you can implement in your kitchen. And if you’re among those who doesn’t like working in the kitchen, then it is cooking hacks like these that can save your time and work. All you need it to be versed with these cooking hacks that can make life in the kitchen much easier and faster. Do you also tear up when you chop onions? Not anymore, with these cooking tricks that will make you a kitchen hero! Put on your aprons and get ready to make cooking not seem like a task anymore!
1. Peeling ginger can always be a task. It’s too tiny to use a grater. Use a spoon to peel ginger instead, and you’ll be surprised at how easily it peels off.

2. Got some leftover pizza? Have it the next day and make it seem very fresh. Reheat it in the microwave with a glass of water and the pizza will not be dry.

3. Put an onion in the freezer before you have to cut it and there will be no more tears.

4. Tired of the bananas going rotten at home and want to extend it’s life? Wrap the stem with clingfilm wrap and it’ll stay protected for longer without going black.

5. An urgent party at home? There’s a quick way to cool the cold drinks. Wrap them in wet paper towels before putting them in the fridge and they will cool faster.

6. Throw an apple wedge in a jar of cookies so they stay fresh and moist. You haven’t heard of this before, have you?

7. Microwave an entire garlic for about no more than 20 seconds and notice how quickly you peel them off. It is one of the toughest and boring kitchen tasks but not anymore!