Alec Baldwin and Hilaria Baldwin are expecting their fifth baby, after the terrible miscarriage that had happened to Hilaria in April this year.
Hilaria Baldwin posted this picture on Instagram and announced that she is “six minutes pregnant.”
She had also shared a picture of her baby bump on April 4 where she suspected she was probably going through miscarriage, and then the unfortunate incident struck a week later.

This time she said she wanted to declare this pregnancy earlier because she wants to remove the stigma from miscarriage and normalize it. “Furthermore, I have no shame or embarrassment with this experience,” she added.
I want to be a part of the effort to normalize miscarriage and remove the stigma from it.
She Posted The Video of Baby’s Heartbeat on Instagram
She also posted a video of the unborn baby’s heartbeat on Instagram, and wrote in the caption: “It is still very early but we have learned that there is a little person inside of me.”
She also added:
The sound of this strong heart makes me so happy, especially because of the loss we experienced in the spring. We want to share this news as we are excited and don’t want to hide the pregnancy.
She also requested the media and paparazzi to allow her a few months of peace:
I want to remain peaceful during this very early time in my pregnancy and getting chased around by cameras is not in the doctor’s orders.
Alec Baldwin and Hilaria Baldwin had gone through a tragedy earlier this year, after she faced a miscarriage. Alec said they both were heartbroken. Now, they feel blessed that they have their fifth child on the way.
Alec Baldwin expressed his delight on Instagram
Alec and Hilaria already have four children: Romeo, Leonardo, Rafael, and Carmen. And about having more children, Hilaria has earlier said that children are her favourite things in the world, so why not?
Featured Image Courtesy: Getty
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