Some children carry their family’s strong genes. So much so that if you compare pictures of the newer generations with the older, there’s a striking similarity. That sounds so cool, doesn’t it? Imagine resembling your parents, grandparents, pr great-grandparents? If you haven’t spent some time making these comparisons, then it’s not too late. But some of them are one step ahead, and these similarities prove that an apple doesn’t fall from its tree. Of course, sometimes, it’s not about looking similar but also about recreating memories with the newer generation. Take a look.
1. “Me in 1995 and my aunt in the ’70s”

2. “My mom in 1990 and me in 2020. We’ve been called twins for the longest!”

3. “My grandmother in 1941 and her great-granddaughter in 2020.”

4. “My dad’s senior picture in 1975 and my high school picture, freshman year, in 2004.”

5. “My dad and I at the age of 20, sitting in the exact same place, wearing the same thing.”

6. “I never thought that I looked like my mother until today when I saw these pictures side by side.”

7. “My dad is on the left. Me on the right.”

8. “Striking similarities between my boyfriend, right, and his grandpa when he was about the same age, left.”

9. “There’s approximately 20 years between these 2 photos of me and my mom. I painted her face, she painted mine.”

10. “My grandfather and I, 60 years apart, both taken at 23 years old and in the same jacket.”

11. “My dad holding me as a baby, me holding my newborn son.”

12. “My grandma age 16 in 1946 and my daughter age 7 in 2014, in the same location.”