
5 Ways to Get Rid Of Acidity!

Winters can worsen acidity issues and bloating problems. Staying indoors with little physical activity and intake of more calories can take a toss in your gut health. In addition to this, the on-off work from home scenario has certainly aggravated the problem.

To avoid acidity and the discomfort that comes along with it, one must stay active, eat a balanced diet and avoid stress. Here are some ideas that can help you avoid gastrointestinal issues.

#1 Avoid excessive spicy, sour, salty, fried, and fast food. These foods are harder to digest and can trigger heartburn.

#2 Do not overeat: Instead of a big meal, have mini-meals throughout the day if it works better for your digestive system.

#3 Do not remain hungry for long hours if that causes acidity. Avoid untimely and irregular eating. Have early dinners.

#4 Avoid lying down immediately after food and in the supine position. The best-recommended position is left lateral.


#5 Last and very important factor to keep acidity at par is to avoid stress.

