
5 Fascinating Facts About Life

With unlimited access to information at our fingertips at any given moment, it can be hard to keep up with new things happening around you. Sometimes, the constant noise of social media and the news cycle can even seem inescapable.

But here is good news, there are a few things that are worth knowing than the social noise. 

From pin to the plane, we have 5 facts everyone should know in life. So, read on to feel your quality of life rise.

1) You’re the tallest first thing in the morning

According to Jamaica Hospital Medical Center, this phenomenon may be due to gravity compressing cartilage in our spine and other parts of our bodies, such as our knees when we stand up or sit down throughout the day. “While we are lying down in a resting position, the spine is said to “spread out” or decompress, so when we wake in the morning we are taller after lying in bed all night.”

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2) You should sleep with your door closed

Sleeping with your doors closed will help protect you from smoke and toxic fumes in the event of a fire.

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3) Sleeping in a cold room can help you slim down

Just a single month of sleeping in a 66-degree room has increased a person’s fat-burning ability by as much as 10 percent, as our body puts all energy to keep us warm. 

Source-Commonwealth University.

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4) You’ll yawn more often than you eat breakfast

As per the experts, over the course of a lifetime, you’ll yawn approximately 250,000 times, if you live to 70, that’s about 10 yawns per day.

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5) You can’t breathe and swallow simultaneously

 Humans are the only mammal that cannot breathe and swallow at the same time.

“This is because the food and fluids we swallow and the air we breathe in both travel down the same part of our throat.”

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