
5 Facts About New Year


We all love the holiday season, starting from Thanksgiving and Halloween the whole festivities begin. Christmas time and New Year becomes the reasons for families and friends to be together.
Although, we all know the significance of New Year and but there are a lot of facts about the day that will surprise you, and knowing these facts and discussing them with the families would definitely make you a hero of the gathering. So read on and enjoy.

1) The first New Year’s celebration dates back 4,000 years.
Julius Caesar, the emperor of Rome, was the first to declare Jan. 1 a national holiday.

2) 45% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions and eventually break them for so or another reason.
Here are some top resolutions: to lose weight, get organized, spend less and save more, stay fit and healthy, and quit smoking.


3)Many people welcome New Year by popping open a bottle of champagne on NY eve.
Americans drink approximately 360 million glasses of sparkling wine during this time.

4)Singing NY song: The Auld Lang Syne, a song traditionally sung at the end of New Year’s parties.
Poet Robert Burns wrote it in 1788.

5)The Baby New Year is the symbol most commonly associated with the New Year!
Baby New Year is usually seen in a diaper, black top hat, and a sash showing the numbers of the new year.
There is a myth about this baby and it states that he matures into an old man during the year.

