So, the budding photographer in you couldn’t resist buying a new DSLR, huh? Photography is an interesting hobby, undying passion for some. The art of perceiving and capturing a still moment in your camera forever is a gifted skill that requires a lot of perseverance and knowledge to hone.
So do you now have plans to use your DSLR once at your friend’s wedding and let other people borrow it or rather take astounding pictures with it and increase your fan following on Instagram? If the latter is the case, here are a few tips that will help you explore the full potential of your new DSLR.
1. Learn about the basics

Do you know terms like shutter speed, aperture, and ISO? If not, the first thing you should do is to learn about the basics of DSLR photography. These mumbo-jumbo words may seem daunting at first but when you gain full knowledge of them, you would be able to create visual sorcery with your camera. Also, you may not want to look stupid in front of people while carrying a DSLR when you don’t even know the ABCD.
2. Get out of auto-mode

If you don’t want the label of an amateur, get out of the auto-everything mode and experiment with other creative modes of your DSLR to expand your horizons of photography. The auto mode may give you good shots, but only outside your comfort zone is the place where the magic lies. Start with Aperture Priority mode where you will learn to set the aperture for an exposed shot. Also experiment with ISO for different lighting conditions.
3. Shoot a lot

What’s the use of buying a DSLR when you are going to take it out so often? You have already spent a lot of money on it. Now spend a lot of time to shoot objects. It is the only way to becoming a pro.
4. Shoot different objects

To know your niche and interest well, shoot all kinds of things if you haven’t already figured out what kind of photographer you really are. You will face different sets of challenges while shooting landscapes, portraits, wildlife, still objects, and live events. Figure out your strongest suit and excel at it.
5. Buy an inexpensive prime lens

If you don’t already know, it is the lens that matters the most. Most DSLR kits come with a medium focus lens that is capable in most situations except the low-light conditions. Buy an inexpensive prime lens to work with a much narrower depth of field. Canin, Nikon, and Sony all make prime lenses that are good, to begin with.
Get going with these tips and if you keep up, you will become a pro at photography one day. The key is to start somewhere.
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