2020 is a year of new possibilities and fresh changes in your life, that all of us have been waiting for. Start fresh with a clean slate, let go of your past burdens, engage more time in self-care and self-love – learn that nobody and nothing is more important for you than yourself.
Here’s what 2020 looks like for the 12 star signs.
#1. Aries – You will have balance and stability
Coming 2020 will bring many changes and new opportunities for the Aries sign. You’ll be driven by your ambitions but it will bode well if you are also practical about your expectations. Many aspects of your life will be more stable and balanced as 2020 progresses forward.
In the end, everything will turn out well. One thing to remember – do not hesitate to take initiative if you want to achieve success.
#2. Taurus – You will have to make crucial choices
People of the Taurus sign will have an overall calm and steady year without too many mishaps. Although, in terms of relationship and career you will have to make many crucial choices – so decide carefully. Do not be hasty or impulsive, take your time to decide. Be open to suggestions from other people.
#3. Gemini – Time to improve your life
2020 will be a crucial year for the Gemini sign, since it will give you the opportunity to work on different aspects of your life. Your love life will be fun and rewarding, and work might take too much of your time so remember to unite, because you have nothing to lose but your chains.
Remember to slow down when things seem to be going too fast, and then pace up when you feel you are moving too slow.
#4. Cancer – Be ready for unexpected changes
Coming year, you need to be ready to face any expected changes that might come your way. New opportunities as well mishappenings will present themselves in your love life and career. What you choose to do with the new opportunities and how you deal with the mishappenings, will shape you as a new person.
Remember to observe tiny details in your life, and be mindful of the aspects of your life.
#5. Leo – Twists and turns
Leo sun sign will have by far the most enjoyable time in 2020. Life will bring many twists and turns your way, but you will have the energy and vigor to deal with them. You will be experimenting with new food, new relationships, new career possibilities.
Remember to be careful and draw the line between experimenting and being practical whenever needed.
#6. Virgo – Think twice before making any big decisions
Impulsive decisions and rash judgments always bring the recipe for disaster. Although Virgo sign people are usually practical and thoughtful, the coming year 2020 might force you in tricky situations where you will have to keep your guard and play to your strengths.
Think twice, weigh all the pros and cons, take advice from others – before you make any crucial decision.
#7. Libra – It will be an easy year
If you are a Libra, then you can just chill because 2020 will bring you the most fun you have had in the recent years. You will have very few responsibilities so you can engage in your hobbies and experiment with other things you like. You will travel, probably find a new relationship.
Don’t forget to stay grounded, remember to keep in touch with your family and friends and loved ones.
#8. Scorpio – Freedom that you have always wanted
Restrictions of life and work and family might have been strangling you for a while, but 2020 will finally be the year when you will break free. The newly found liberation and freedom will bring you the opportunity to try out a new career choice, a new hobby, meet new people, and create a new life.
#9. Sagittarius – Let go of the past
2020 will help you in letting of your baggage and trauma from the past, and it will help you pick yourself up. You will fix the aspects of your life that need fixing, and being patient with yourself will lead you to the success you deserve. Give your time to the people who matter to you, and use the rest of your time to work on yourself.
#10. Capricorn – You will be at peace with yourself
Capricorn sign has a year of peace, calm and tranquility in store. You will take a break from the mad rush of the mainstream rat race. And you will use your time and resources for your own comfort and self-care. This will help you scale up and accomplish all your goals in 2020.
#11. Aquarius – Time to prove your abilities
All the people who ever doubted your abilities, it’s time to prove them wrong. You will be at your best this year, performing creatively and intelligently. Your imagination and innovation will take you to new heights of success.
You will take care and be considerate of your family and friends. So do not let this newly found energy and success be the source of your ego and pride.
#12. Pisces – Excitement and adventure in store for you
The 2020 horoscope for Pisces predicts a year of excitement and adventure, as you will ace all the new challenges coming your way. You will be trying new things in life, but be careful to not make any impulsive decisions.
All Images Courtesy: Deviant Art
Featured Image Courtesy: Manlio Mannozzi – WordPress
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