One might think that pets are merely animals, but are they, really? They’re capable of expressing their emotions as beautifully as humans do. While that is cute, sometimes, they will not hold back in expressing when then are upset, sad, or offended. If you can capture such moments then it’ll remain a memory that stays with you forever. These 15 people did just that and you’ll agree that some pets are skillfully manipulative in expressing their sadness and more! They might reel you in with a sad face into giving in to their demand. But what’s the most a pet will ask? An extra treat? A longer walk? Mostly, just some attention! Why not just give in to them every once in a while then?
Take a look at these master pets!
1. “Wife and I just had our first kid, cat is feeling sad and neglected. She is now taking desperate measures for attention.”

2. “My girlfriend’s cat is having one of those days…”

3. “Here’s my very offended doggo.”

4. Guess that dog wants to take the rock back home.

5. Hmmm.. so what is it that could be upsetting this black beauty?

6. “He’s pretending to apologize for biting my hands.”

7. “He is offended because I called for my other cat.”

8. “It happens every morning when I drink milk.”

9. “My roommate came in to get a box of sneakers and the cat was sitting on top of it. She had to pick him up to take the box. He can’t seem to understand what just happened.”

10. “Someone mentioned a cat having an existential crisis?”

11. Look at little Mars, being all offended and all!

12. “Moses looks like I just offended all of his ancestors by sitting on his couch.”