Looking for some chuckles before you continue going about your day? We’ve collected some such pictures and incidents from people’s daily lives as shared on the internet to fill you up with some laughter. Kudos to these people who’ve found ways to find joy even in the little things in life. You never know when a mundane day can turn one unexpected moment into a source of laughter. Like, you know, opening the fridge looking for the ice tray and finding just where you didn’t think it would be? Or, maybe using permanent markers on your VR goggles and now can’t get it of? That and more like these is just what you’re going to see ahead. Laugh on!
1. “A new level of dad. My sister just sent me a photo of my dad’s wireless AirPods…”

2. “My dog looks like he’s about to write the most fire country album of all time.”

3 “My kid made an earthquake detection kit.”

4. “Grandpa just moved in. I was helping him unpack.”

5. “Found at my local bicycle shop, just do it.”

6. “The fight has begun!”

7. “Luckily, I’m on a diet!”

8. “My wife went crazy looking for the ice tray she put in the freezer. We definitely had a good laugh when we finally found where it was.”

9. “Congratulations to my friend’s 7.5-lb burrito.”

10. “I bought this and proudly display it, even though I don’t have a dog.”

11. “Googly eyes on a VR headset…turned very angry with the help of a dry erase marker.”

12. “I was spam called at work today by intestinal bacteria.”

13. “The best marketing I’ve ever seen”

14. “My sister watching her homemade bagels cook”

15. “My cat moved her bed out of the corner so she could lie there.”