An office space should be a space where we feel comfortable and relaxed to work. For some people, working from home is indeed boring. Be it the pandemic, working home because of little kids at home, or just being in a location where there aren’t much work opportunities- whatever the reason be for working from home, it is important that it doesn’t lead to boredom. Staying in one place, not getting to meet colleagues, having meals alone, and not getting to get dressed for work everyday could get to one’s mood every now and often. In this scenario, at some cute little things in your home office, which is just your space will help you lift your mood and have more fun at work.
You can get these products online and add more color and life to your home-work life!
1. There’s nothing better than a comfortable chair that makes you feel at home, literally, even though you’re working.

2. Play a little game and make work so much more fun.

3. Buy highlighters that look a lot more exciting than the regular highlighters. You might not carry this to your office, but your home office can look as colorful as you want.
4. A magnetic faucet to hold the pins. Keep them in place so you don’t have to keep looking for them when you need some pins.
5. Look at the little bear peeping to give you work reminders. Super cute, isn’t it? Some of us would carry this to our offices too. Why keep the bear confined to your home office?
6. Cute little magnets to hang the reminders on your fridge, but with a little toon factor.
7. A snake lamp to add your home office’s glamour.
8. A fun storage box for your table.