
When People Solved Their Problems Creatively

With the progress science and technology have made, most of us have got comfortable. With everything on our fingertips and a few taps away, we have touched the heights of laziness. However, at times life puts us in situations when our DIY talent comes into the picture. Needless to say, such situations test our ability to work with limited resources in as creative ways as possible. 

In this article, we will be looking at people who took up such adverse conditions as fun challenges and worked things out like a boss. 

Take a look at these pictures, and don’t forget to share when was the last time you fixed something with limited resources. The comment section is waiting for you!

1. Fixed with sticks

Courtesy: Reddit

2. Master Lock 100

Courtesy: Reddit

3. This is how to keep the TV at the right angle at a private hospital

Courtesy: Reddit

4. Temporary drying rack for my hotel room

Courtesy: Reddit

5. Smart lights On!

Courtesy: Reddit

6. Apparently, forceps make great antenna boosters!

Courtesy: Reddit

7. Couldn’t find any washers that would fit over the heads of these screws!

Courtesy: Reddit

8. My family’s doorbell stopped working a week or so ago. We had to improvise.

Courtesy: Reddit

9. How to deal with rain flooding in through the seams in the door?

Courtesy: Reddit

10. A PVC pipe basketball “hoop” I made so that my son could practice.

Courtesy: Reddit



