World is a fascinating for those who travel, and even for those who not. Although, travelling is best if you want to know more about the world and the different people and different cultures.
People travel to explore new types of food, music, fashion. But sometimes some countries have some weird customs and laws that seem totally normal to them, but will freak out an outsider.
If you are travelling to these countries or thinking of moving there, be on the lookout for these weird laws to stay out of trouble.
#10. Vietnam: Can’t ride a bike with earphones in

In Vietnam, there is a huge fine for breaking many traffic laws, many of which are so trivial. For example, riding a bike with headphones is a punishable crime in Vietnam, while it is seen as no big deal in most parts of the world, in fact, this is what almost every bicycle rider does in the USA.
Also, if you are driving then you cannot take your hands off the steering even for a few seconds. If you do that then you’ll be fined a hefty amount. Sometimes the fines go up to as much as $300.
#9. Italy: You cannot frown, it is banned

Italian culture gives so much importance to body language and facial cues, since it is very much a part of their language and how they express themselves.
For example, in the city of Milan, you are only allowed to frown during a funeral or at a hospital. For rest of the occasions, it is seen in poor light and considered a social taboo. You could even say that it is.. erm.. “frowned upon.”
#3. France: Ketchup is banned in schools

Considering taking your kids to France? You might want to know that ketchup is banned in the schools of France. This law was passed in 2011, when the president of National Association of Municipal Catering Managers decided to ban ketchup for no reason at all.
Although, kids in the school can have ketchup but only, and only if they have it with french fries.
#4. Switzerland: Keeping a single goldfish is considered cruel

You have to keep two. Switzerland has animal cruelty laws that say that keeping one goldfish alone is cruel to the fish. So you need to keep two of them together so that it has a companion.
#5. Tokyo, Japan: Dancing not allowed in the evening, only after midnight

In Tokyo, it’s illegal to dance any time before midnight. You can dance only after the clock strikes 12 in the night. This law exists to stop the “Johns” from engaging in solicitation of prostitution that takes place in the dancing clubs when the night is still young.
#6. Germany: Cannot play music during the daytime

In Germany, you are not allowed to play music during 8 AM to 12 PM, and 2 PM to 8 PM. This law applies to musical instruments such as piano, guitar, or any such instruments.
#7. China: You want to reincarnate, you will need government’s approval

Eastern Asian religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism believe in reincarnation. In China, it is forbidden by law to reincarnate after your death, unless you have the government’s approval.
This law exists to control who gets to reincarnate and who doesn’t.
Well, I’m as baffled as you are.
#8. Singapore: Chewing gum is punishable

If you ever go to Singapore, then make sure you have no packets of gum with you and that you are seen in public while chewing gum. The country of Singapore has strict laws about hygeine, and they have banned the selling and chewing of gum.
If you are found with a gum, you will fined a huge sum of money. Unless you can prove that it is for medicinal purpose.
#9. Australia: $10,000 fine for wedding crashers

Many romantic films show a scene where one of the lead actors crashes the wedding of their romantic partner, and tells them about their love and true feelings. You can do that in movies, but doing so in Australia will land you in jail for two years, or with a $10,000 fine, or both.
Even crashing a wedding for free food or hookups is illegal and will get you in trouble with the law enforcement. And don’t you dare interrupt a wedding, because that has the maximum fine and jail time.
#10. Thailand: You must keep your underwear on at all times

In Thailand, you must keep your undies on at all times. Nudity and even going commando is strictly prohibited according to Thai law.
This law exists to maintain hygeine, public decorum and decency among the citizens. Interesting to know how they actually check if you are breaking the law or not, but just to be on the safe side – remember to put your underwear on when you are there.
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