More than a year after Kobe Bryant and daughter Gianna Bryant left the world, the legend’s wife Vanessa Bryant shares how she handles her grief.
Kobe and his 13-year-old daughter were killed in a helicopter crash in Calabasas on Jan 26, 2020.
An Interview With Vanessa Bryant
In an interview Vanessa stated that: “I guess the best way to describe it is that Kobe and Gigi motivate me to keep going. They inspire me to try harder and be better every day. Their love is unconditional and they motivate me in so many different ways.”

“There are days when I feel like I can’t deal with everything that is on my plate, and I ask myself what my husband would say to me or how Gigi would look at me in a certain manner and be proud of me. I want to make Kobe, Gigi, Natalia, Bianka and Capri proud,” the 38 year-old added.
Vanessa who lives with her daughters Natalia(18), Bianka(4) and Capri(20 months) also mentioned her friends and family who stood by her and the girls following last year’s tragedy: “That includes ‘aunties” and ‘uncles, who have stepped in to be there for us and get us through holidays, special milestones and birthdays.”
Life Without Kobe
It goes without saying that Vanessa’s pain is unimaginable but life goes on for the devoted mom to the three girls. Vanessa continued: “Lying in bed crying isn’t going to change the fact that my family will never be the same again. But getting out of bed and pushing forward is going to make the day better for my girls and for me.”
On some days the pain is almost unbearable for the legend’s widow. “I can’t say that I’m strong every day. I can’t say that there aren’t days when I feel like I can’t survive to the next. My girls help me smile through the pain. They give me strength,” she stated.
In the interview, Vanessa recollected her memories of Kobe as a father to her girls. “The more I watched Kobe help me raise and interact with our girls, the more I fell in love with him,” she recalled. “He was the most incredible dad. He had a heart full of love.”
Kobe’s Legacy

By Running Kobe’s multimedia company Granity Studios and the charity the Mamba & Mambacita Sports Foundation, Vanessa is carrying on Kobe’s legacy. The charity organization is all about helping unattended athletes and girls in sports.