
Twitter Created An Account On Instagram & The Internet Went Crazy

A few weeks ago, Twitter joined Instagram and all hell broke loose on the internet. In case you didn’t know, then you have definitely not been using social media under that rock. Twitter joining Instagram was definitely no alliance or a sneak peek of its office. It was something hilarious. In fact, Twitter took this as a great opportunity to troll Instagram. Look at this.


Twitter literally shared a screenshot of its tweets and posted it on Instagram. Thought twitter may have a point here, but it is definitely a third-degree burn for Instagram.

Twitter is already a famous social media platform for being so unofficial and open to trolling and it continued to ride the same wave when it joined Instagram.

You think a thing like that would go unnoticed. Within its short existence, the following of the account has grown to 665k followers and counting. Aaand, it’s been verified too confirmed by a blue tick in front of it. What have you been doing if you haven’t started following Twitter on Instagram already? Before that, give this a post a thumbs up, will ya?

The hilarious part of the Twitter account on Instagram is its bio that says ‘screenshots of tweets’. Gets you cracking, doesn’t it! 

Save that laughter for the photos it has posted on its feed. Have a look if you are too lazy to open the app. Here’s more from Twitter’s Instagram account

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