
This Is What Taking Magnesium Daily Does to Your Body

Magnesium is essential for more than 300 enzymatic reactions and cell energy production in our bodies. 

Moreover, it is the base component of bones, DNA, and RNA making it essential for blood sugar regulation and protein synthesis.

Often called a “miracle mineral” by health professionals, magnesium offers the following 7 benefits if you take it on daily basis: 

  1. Enhances cell communication

In our bodies, body cells are required to communicate with their surrounding cells. Magnesium is a powerful element for vital cell signaling, including neurological and immunologic systems.

  1. Relaxes your muscles

Magnesium is commonly used by doctors as one of the best natural muscle relaxants to treat arrhythmias, constipation before surgery, and women in labor.

  1. Sharpens your brain

Magnesium helps in promoting brain health and cognition. Additionally, it relaxes the smooth muscles, improves blood flow to the brain, reduces cortisol levels, and improves cognition.

  1. Supports chromosomes

Magnesium ions impact chromosome condensation where the DNA material is held together at the centromere by proteins. This gives chromosomes their shape.

  1. Regulates the labor cycle

Preterm labor occurs before the 37th week of gestation, which can be treated intravenously with magnesium sulfate by slowing down or inhibiting contractions.

  1. Enhances your sleep

Magnesium significantly increases sleep time, sleep efficiency and reduces factors like sleep latency and serum cortisol (stress hormone) concentration.

  1. Increases vitamin D levels

Magnesium is necessary for the proper activation of vitamin D. This helps regulate calcium and phosphate levels for the growth and maintenance of bone.

What’s the right quantity?


  • 19-30 years: 400 mg/day
  • 31-50: 420m
  • 51+: 420 mg


  • 19-30 years: 310 mg/day
  • 31-50: 320m
  • 51+: 320 mg



