In a hilarious heist movie-like situation, someone just stole a solid gold toilet that was installed in a British palace. The artist, Maurizio Cattelan, who designed the gold toilet, named it ‘America’; and it has been valued worth $6 million dollars, according to Dominic Hare, the CEO of Bleheim Palace.
The gold toilet was placed in Bleheim Palace, just next to the room in which former prime minister Winston Churchill was born.
It was offered to Donald Trump, after being used by 100,000 people

Earlier, this toilet was offered to the Donald Trump by Guggenheim Museum when the White House had asked to borrow a Vincent van Gogh painting. Guggenheim didn’t hold back in rubbing it in that the toilet they were offering to the Trump’s presidential house, it was used by more than 100,000 people.
In fact, all exhibitions of this toilet include a 3-minute appointment where you could use this fully-functional golden toilet named ‘America.’
Stolen toilet has caused flooding in the palace

This toilet was earlier installed in Guggenheim Museum, New York for a long time but it could not survive two days in England. Just on the third day, thieves broke in early morning and made off with the toilet at 4:50 AM, according to police reports. The police report also added:
Due to the toilet being plumbed in to the building, this has caused significant damage and flooding.
“How does it feel to pee on gold?”

The toilet designer Maurizio Cattelan was just amused and called the thieves as “great performers.”
“When this morning I was informed about the robbery I thought it was a prank,” said Cattelan, he also laughed at the fact that,”instead of the jewels of the crown, the thieves went away with a bullsh*t toilet.”
He also appealed to the thieves:
Dear thieves, please, if you are reading this, let me know how much you like the piece and how it feels to pee on gold?
1% Art for the 99%
The solid gold toilet is supposed to be an artwork that critiques the economic and political and social inequalities in America. Cattelan had previously told to The New Yorker:
Whatever you eat, a two-hundred-dollar lunch or a two-dollar hot dog, the results are the same, toilet-wise. This is 1% art for the 99%.
Interestingly, a gold toilet that costs $6 million to build, is being called a commentary on social inequality – that itself is the most ironical parody of itself. No artist seems to exclaim on this, though.
Featured Image Courtesy: DianaLegacy
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