
Should You Really Marry In Your Early Twenties? The Truth Will Shock You

Marriage. The dream of a life of companionship and fun. Well, at least that’s what it ideally stands for. Marriages come in all shapes and sizes these days. Speaking of the stigma around marriage being a fairytale start, my mother would always tell me, newly married couples only looked great when both the man and woman are young!”

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Well, this brainwashing started pretty early on.

Logically speaking, yes youth is beautiful and even more so in wedding attire. However, it was a weak attempt to make me think that marriage was something meant to happen in your early twenties at the max. It’s a weird and funny notion if you ask me. However, setting aside personal opinions here’s what psychology has to say.

Courtesy: Washington Post

An unbiased look into marriage in your early twenties

Psychology has a lot to say about marrying early. It’s widely known and accepted that most early marriages lead to divorce. This is based on a scientific study conducted by bu Sociological researcher Nicholas Wolfinger. The same goes for marriages late into your thirties. While exceptions do exist to this data, most early marriages were found heading for splitsville down the line.

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There could be a number of reasons for this.

So what is the right time to get married?

The optimum age for marriage is somewhere between 28-32 for both sexes. This optimum age was not something formulated or crafted, rather, this is based on recent research on today’s marriage scene.

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The study revealed that to ensure a happy and stable marriage, you must wait but not wait too long. Marriages after 35, while bearing the notion of higher stability and maturity, faired way lower than marriages in the early twenties.
This steep fall of stability and life long partnership post 35, was something unexpected almost. Some of the reasons for this could be:

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Whereas when looking into the optimum age group of 28-32, the woman is in her sexual prime and the man generally has his mind and intentions on life clear. Maybe it does make sense why this is a great time to get hitched. While yes, marriage is something you can’t force upon yourself simply based on research; in the end, trust your gut and go by what feels right. This way you’ll always make the right decision.



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