
Proof that having kids around is very entertaining!

Cute kids

People think that having kids at home is a stressful job. But that’s not always the case, is it? Sometimes, having kids around is one of the most entertaining things to be around. They’re a burst of surprise at all times. You’ll never know the next big or eventful thing they’re going to say, present, or do. But entertainment is guaranteed. Whether their actions are deliberate or not, the result will always be laughter, joy, and the sheet satisfaction from having them around. It’s just their curiosity, if you think of it. But for us, it is their “something new.” These are the moments we want to record and save forever. Some such ppeople gave us a peek into such moments, and you’re going to love them!

These kiddos are “aww”dorable to another level, and you’re going to relate with some or the other kid around you.


1. “My daughter fell asleep on a mat.’’


15+ Pics That Prove Every Minute With a Kid Is a Burst of Surprises
Courtesy: Reddit

2. “My newborn holding my finger minutes after she was born’’

15+ Pics That Prove Every Minute With a Kid Is a Burst of Surprises
Courtesy: Reddit


3. “My daughter insists on being rolled up like a burrito every day.’’

15+ Pics That Prove Every Minute With a Kid Is a Burst of Surprises
Courtesy: Reddit

4. “My son has swagger.’’

15+ Pics That Prove Every Minute With a Kid Is a Burst of Surprises
Courtesy: Reddit

5. “My daughter stands at the window waiting for me to get home from work.’’

15+ Pics That Prove Every Minute With a Kid Is a Burst of Surprises
Courtesy: Reddit

6. “My 2-week-old son vs My burrito’’

15+ Pics That Prove Every Minute With a Kid Is a Burst of Surprises
Courtesy: Reddit

7. “My daughter matching her auntie’’

15+ Pics That Prove Every Minute With a Kid Is a Burst of Surprises
Courtesy: Reddit

8. “My daughter and her best friend.’’

15+ Pics That Prove Every Minute With a Kid Is a Burst of Surprises
Courtesy: Reddit

9. “I think my son enjoyed his first time in the snow.’’

15+ Pics That Prove Every Minute With a Kid Is a Burst of Surprises
Courtesy: Reddit

10. “My nephew and his favorite sleeping buddy’’

15+ Pics That Prove Every Minute With a Kid Is a Burst of Surprises
Courtesy: Reddit

11. “My nephew adoring the chicks’’

15+ Pics That Prove Every Minute With a Kid Is a Burst of Surprises
Courtesy: Reddit

12. “My niece copying my dad’s infamous dad walk’’

15+ Pics That Prove Every Minute With a Kid Is a Burst of Surprises
Courtesy: Reddit

13. My daughter wore sunglasses for the first time today.’’

15+ Pics That Prove Every Minute With a Kid Is a Burst of Surprises
Courtesy: Reddit

14. “My cousin got a new puppy and her son insisted on keeping him company during his first night.’’

15+ Pics That Prove Every Minute With a Kid Is a Burst of Surprises
Courtesy: Reddit

15. “My boyfriend snapped this picture of our son on a hike.’’

15+ Pics That Prove Every Minute With a Kid Is a Burst of Surprises
Courtesy: Reddit

