
Jussie Smollet Up For Interview With Chicago Police

Jussie Smollett has been at the receiving end of some harsh and hardcore hostility. He broke news earlier this year for being an unsuspecting victim of extremist elements. They were reportedly hurting him for being ‘gay’ and also for being ‘black’. Smollett was quoted saying that the men screamed at him saying, “This is MAGA nation”.

Courtesy : FoxNews

The case has been one that received much spotlight as it shows the need for immediate action. Today a seemingly innocent man, minding his own business got attacked, tomorrow it could be anybody. With the danger of this and of threat rising in the economy, Jussie Smollett saw himself receiving much support from his tinsel-town family.

Chicago Police seek an interview with the actor

In Smollett’s defence we don’t have just Hollywood, but even prominent political figures who have stood up against the racial discrimination and violence that he underwent. Setting aside the very many who evidently supported Jussie, there are a few people who claim this to be a publicity stunt.

In fact, there seems to be a shift in the direction of investigation by the Chicago police. This was followed by a questioning of two brothers (persons of interest). The police released the brothers free of all charges and have now moved on to seeking a session with Smollett.

Police spokesperson Anthony Guglielmi revealed the former; and also that they’ve reached out to Jussie’s attorney for an interview.

We’re not confirming, denying or commenting on anything until we can talk to him and we can corroborate some information that we’ve gotten- Anthony Guglielmi

Jussie Smollett and his recent history

Jussie Smollett rose to fame for his character in the Empire series. Described as a quiet man minding his own business by his neighbour, it is indeed a shocking question why anyone would attack a man like this. His manager was apparently on call with him while he was attacked and stands as a firm witness of the fact that, Smollett’s attackers used derogatory racial slurs and even betrayed deep seated homophobia towards the actor.

Smollett only recently had come out clean regarding his sexual orientation on the Ellen show. He spoke of how he has never pretended to be anything that he is not. He received much praise and support from Ellen DeGeneres for standing his ground and being himself. No one would have thought that this move could mean drastic implications like the recent attack on him.

He was reportedly found doused in bleach with a noose around his neck. Chicago police have been investigating the matter and have found two persons of interest from the surveillance footage around the area.

Smollet’s response to the police

Word from Smollett came around quickly. They communicated how the actor feels victimized by claims that he faked the assault. They also added “Nothing is further from the truth and anyone claiming otherwise is lying.”

In their statement, they were clear that Jussie Smollett will continue to cooperate with the police.

