
Jesus Was Crucified To Death, Then What’s So Good About Good Friday ?

Good Friday is a bleak yet a significant moment in the religion of Christianity. It is celebrated as the day of repentance, sorrow, and gratitude to the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Then, why is Good Friday a holiday? Here is everything you need to know about the day.

What is the significance of Good Friday?

grayscale photo of the crucifix
Photo by Alem Sánchez on

Good Friday is the celebration of the Lord’s passion. According to Christianity, Lord Jesus, the son of God, was sent on earth for the atonement of sins made by humans. Friday was chosen as the day of his death before he was resurrected to life on the third day which we celebrate as the Easter Sunday. Christ’s death meant the atonement of the sins committed by his believers, even the most heinous crimes, to set them free from sin and death.

The night before he was crucified, he took a ‘Last Supper’ with his disciples and went to the Garden of Gethsemane where he spent his last hours praying to the Father. He was sentenced to death by the religious leaders in Calvary. If you are wondering what happened to Jesus on Good Friday, the answer is he was beaten, mocked, and struck off on the head with staff before he was crucified. A crown of thrones was put on his head before he was crucified. As Jesus took his last breath, darkness dawned upon the landscape, an earthquake trembled the ground, and the bodies of godly men and women woke up alive from their graves.

Then why is it called a ‘Good’ Friday?

crucifix on top of bible
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Good Friday is observed as the day of sorrow, penance, and fasting. Then, why is it still called a Good Friday if everything is sad about it? The reason why it’s called a Good Friday is that it is the culmination of God’s plan. We received the gift of eternal life through Jesus’s death. Hence, the crucifixion of Jesus is considered good. The meaning of the word ‘good’ is not used in a literal sense, but, in fact, implies holiness about the whole affair. It is also debated that the word has been developed from the older name ‘God’s Friday’. But who’s to say?

What do Christians do on a Good Friday?

good friday church service
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Prayers and sermons are what happens in a church on a Good Friday. It is believed that Jesus was crucified sometime between noon and three in the afternoon. That is when churches hold masses and prayers to thank the Lord for all his suffering and sacrifices.

In some countries, a group of church members carries a large cross in the streets to the church before they begin the service. In Spain, people wear long robes with hoods and carry the cross out in the streets to show penitence for their wrongdoings.

If Jesus had not died, we wouldn’t be in heaven with God one day. Jesus died for us because he loved us so much. It is because of him that everyone believes that they can be forgiven for their sins from the Almighty and go to heaven one day. Good Friday is to remind us that God loves us and there is no greater love than God’s love.



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