Agreed, that some of the husband and wife jokes that have been doing the rounds for so many years now are no longer funny. But when the jokes are original, and it comes straight from the husbands and wives themselves, we have a reason to believe in them. Believe and then crackle up at the accuracy and relatability of these jokes. And then if you have a sense of humor, and so does your partner, you’ll post these jokes online, so that other husband and wives can relate with them too. If that’s the kind of relationship you have with your spouse, then these viral and funny tweets by husband and wife jokes are going to relate with you too.
1. Working from home brought in a lot of arguments and also some humor.

2. We bet the wives are clapping on this relatable wife joke as to their husband’s contribution to household chores.

3. Now that’s fair; if you have a Netflix arrangement with your partner, you ought to live by it.

4. You got to have the right temperature now, isn’t it?

5. See, more of the work from home jokes that all souses who stayed together will laugh at.
6. You know the push and pull that comes with blankets, don’t you?
7. Oh, man, this is a savage one- the wives have more ideas to mess around with their husbands when angry now.
8. It’s always somebody else’s fault? Is that the logic now?
9. This teaches everyone a lesson. If you don’t want to do it yourself, don’t comment about it!
10. Who has stored up all the junk now? Cleaning time is never too fun!
11. Has this ever happened to you?
12. Well, it’s not more fighting about picking the restaurant. Now it’s more about using the vacuum cleaner and what to eat!