Pandemic has changed our lives completely, a lot of people have started working out during the lockdown period and have opted for different ways to keep themselves fit.
But did you know, the equipment you are using for the workout might prove to be more harmful than useful?
Shocked? Read on to know which fitness equipment you should use thoughtfully to avoid the possible hazardous.
1) Foam Rolls

Yes using a foam roller on your legs can increase blood flow, improve your flexibility, and help your muscles heal faster but if you have varicose veins then it might not be a good idea to use the roller as it can worsen the pain and can cause discomfort instead of relieving it.
You might want to try riding a bicycle or try brisk walking, the result of these activities is similar or rather better.
2) Exercise Bands

Tears in exercise bands can cause broken ribs, yeah that’s right. Exercising bands can help strengthen your muscles but if the band breaks by any chance you may end up losing your ribs or breaking your bones. You may want to invest in some sliders or gliders that force the muscles of your entire body to participate.
3) Balance Boards

This equipment is used to improve body balance and, more commonly, for healing and injury prevention. However, based on the level of your ankles’ strength, they can cause damages. If, for instance, you’ve injured your ankles in the past, your chances of falling off the board are quite high.
So instead of using the balancing board try the “bird dog” exercise.
4) Pull-up Bars

Not all houses can hold a pull-up bar, it’s either because they’re old or because they’re not built strong enough.
The bar has done damage to many people, some have had their bars fall, resulting in minor or very serious injuries. The bar collapse has even made people paralyzed.
5) Bent Over Rows

Rows are a popular type of exercise, but when it’s performed on a bench or any similar surface, it may cause severe injuries too. More specifically, a spinal disc displacement. Another drawback is that your posture may get worse since your shoulders roll forward while doing the rows.
Featured Image Source: Healthline