Bollywood actress-producer Anushka Sharma and Indian cricket star Virat Kohli welcomed a baby girl on Monday evening at Mumbai’s Breach Candy Hospital. Photos of Anushka Sharma ‘carrying’ her newborn are viral on the Internet. They are fake.
Kohli Shared The Happy News
Bollywood actress-producer Anushka Sharma and Indian cricket star Virat Kohli welcomed a baby girl on Monday evening at Mumbai’s Breach Candy Hospital. The baby who shares her birthday with veteran cricketer Rahul Dravid, was born on the same day as India battled hard and secured a draw on the fifth and final day of the third Test against Australia at the SCG.
Kohli shared the happy news on Twitter and added that both the Bollywood actress as well as the newborn baby was doing fine and were healthy.
The annoument reads, “We are thrilled to share with you that we have been blessed with a baby girl this afternoon. We thank you all for your love, prayers and good wishes. Anushka and the baby are both healthy and we are feeling beyond blessed to start this new chapter of our lives. We hope that you can respect our privacy at this time. Love, Virat.”
A day to cherish, fans of Virushka instantly googled to look up for the “baby photos” of the celebrated couple but unfortunately for them, there were none.
So, the excited fans of Anushka and Virat took it upon themselves to wish the couple with a photo of Anushka Sharma holding the newborn in her arms.
The photo they used, however, featured neither the new mom Anushka nor her daughter.
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