
Here’s How The 1% Are Preparing For Doomsday At the Cost of Rest Of Us 99%

It’s been widely established that 2020 is the most disastrous year we have had in the 21st century yet. The first day of the year started with the speculation of World War III; and meanwhile, the continent of Australia was already burning.

January was the month when Coronavirus outbreak unleashed itself on the world and within a month, it forced everyone back into their homes.

With climate change already peaking, and the world at the brink of nuclear war – we are truly living at the edge of the end of the world.

The top 1% have already bought luxurious underground shelters

Image Credit: Getty Images

On the other hand, the top 1% have already prepared for the end of the world. Even though, the world will be ended either by world war, or by climate change, or by viruses from exotic animal trade – all of which are done by the top 1%.

There are companies around the world, which work for creating such luxurious shelters for the ultra-wealthy which will protect them from any nuclear explosion, natural disaster, virus outbreak, and even an asteroid.

But they’ll be safe, while the rest of us perish.

What would the bunkers look like for the ultra-wealthy?

Image Credit: Haywire

When you think of a doomsday bunker, what do you imagine? Do you imagine an underground concrete room with canned goods and stored water?

21st-century bunkers and bomb shelters are nothing like we imagine them to be – not only they are packed with essentials, they are also luxurious beyond our imaginations.

Vivos is one such company that is in the business of building high-end luxurious shelters, and their CEO Robert Vicino said in an interview to the CNN:

“Your father or grandfather’s bunker was not very comfortable. They were gray. They were metal, like a ship or something military. And the truth is mankind cannot survive long-term in such a Spartan, bleak environment.”

Rich liberals and rich conservatives – both of them will be living in the same bunker, while you’ll be outside

Image Credit: BBC

So the ultra-wealthy of the world such as billionaires, politicians, movie stars, and sports stars – have been paying such companies to design a customized shelter for their families and servants. (Oh, well, they couldn’t do with servants, could they?)

Elites from both sides of the political compass – the liberals and the right-wingers both of these have bought their underground safe space already and have invested as much as $200,000 to $25 million for their “humble abode.”

Between 2015 and 2016, the sale for underground luxurious bunkers grew by 700%, according to Gary Lynch, GM of the Rising S Company in Texas. Most of it was triggered by the election of Donald Trump as the US President when it was feared that he might trigger a global nuclear war.

With the Coronavirus outbreak, the demand has spiked up again

Image Credit: Pfizer

With the outbreak of Coronavirus, the sale of these high-end underground shelters has spiked up again, where the ultra-wealthy are prepared for any kind of unforeseen disaster.

These shelters are not only designed to last for centuries, they are also resistant to earthquakes and floods and other calamities. They’d also be stocked with a year’s food per resident.

Many of these shelters are designed by keeping a community setting in mind. The developers get their hands on the decommissioned military bunkers built by the US and USSR, and they repurpose them with added luxuries to create a space that appeals to the ultra-wealthy.

What are the facilities in these luxurious bunkers?

Image Credit: Sundown Boulevard

These bunkers are equipped with power generators, water purification tanks, blast valves, and air filters which will filter out nuclear fallout, bacteria and viruses, and harmful gases. They even have hydroponic gardens to grow fresh fruits and vegetables inside the bunker.

These bunkers will also be filled with essential workers such as janitors, servants, cooks etc. to pick up after the elite owners. There will also be doctors and teachers and other professionals to help them in long-term survival.

Although these “essential” workers will be accommodated into this “luxurious” system if they are willing to pay a minimum of $25,000 for a space that’s barely enough for sleeping straight.

Where will they keep their servants and the essential workers?

Image Credit: Assit

While the owners will be taking their servants and essential workers with them – to make sure their pools are maintained, and houses are cleaned, their vegetables are grown, the transport is run smoothly, and so on. But the owners themselves are not required to work or contribute to the functioning of the town in any way.

During any emergency, the owners will be mandated to do four hours of daily work – although for what thing they would even be useful, is anybody’s guess.

Another one called The Oppidum in Czech Republic, is called the “largest billionaire bunker in the world” and it can house multiple billionaires inside it.

The most luxurious shelter will have pubs, bar, and a spa

Image Credit: The ET

You’d think that having perfect safety, food, and the company of their kith and kin would be enough for the 1% – but really, it isn’t.

These bunkers owned by individuals will also have private pools, spa, gym, screening rooms, personal theatres and so on.

First of these shelters, called Vivos xPoint, is located in the Black Hills of South Dakota, US – with 575 military bunkers which will be housing 5,000 people. Vivos xPoint is designed to offer the feel and comfort of a small town.

Vivos has built another shelter called Vivos Europa One in Germany, also called as the “Modern-day Noah’s ark” – which is far more luxurious. This was carved out of solid bedrock to create 34 private houses – each at 2,500 square feet and if you paid double then you can add a second story and increase your space to 5,000 square feet.

Each of these houses will be customized according to the taste of the owner, will have personal spa, pools, entertainment room, and a wine vault.

While the common people outside will be floundering for a morsel, and a roof over their head.

A “second luxury home” after they destroy the world

Image Credit: Flewer

Vivos CEO compares these houses to “underground yachts”

To fit their entire luxuries and whimsical fantasies into space smaller than they are used to – yacht designers have been invited.

“Most of these people have high-end yachts, so they already have the relationship and they know the taste, fit, and finish that they want.”

In fact, this whole underground town of the elites will also have a tram system to help them travel to posh restaurants, theatres, coffee shops, and game areas, pubs, clubs, and bars. There will also be penthouse apartments worth $5 million.

“The bars and spas and personal pools are essential for survival”

Image Credit: Medium

These luxurious arrangements have drawn criticism from several fronts as being unnecessary in a time of disaster, when there would be billions of people outside scrambling for the bare minimum.

The developers and owners have argued against it, saying that these things such as a personal pool, spa and come into the “essential category” for them.

As for the 99% of the population which would be stuck on the surface in the event of a catastrophe, (most probably caused by the elite 1%) – don’t be surprised if you hear the comment, “if their house got destroyed then let them build their own underground bunker with a private pool.”

Truly the “let them eat cake” of the 21st century.


All Featured Images Courtesy: CNN

