So, you have finally embarked on a journey of weight loss and are questioning the nutrition value in everything, even the milk. You don’t want to make any mistakes here because losing weight is one hell of a task anyway. You have to be careful about what you put in your body. So, if you often wonder ‘does milk make you fat’ when you pick that carton up from the store, it is completely justifiable.
First of all, which type of milk are you talking about? That from cow, goat, sheep or camel? Milk from different sources has different nutritional values.

Milk, cow’s milk to be specific, has a rich nutrient profile containing carbohydrates, protein, fat, calcium, and other essential vitamins and minerals. With high sugar content, one simply cannot not expect to gain weight from milk.
Well, if you are wondering how many calories there are in a cup of milk, the answer is 103 calories.
Now you may get worried about the amount of calories milk carries, but there is a rule in weight loss. Weight gain results from the calories consumed more than you burn. So, no matter if you drink that glass of milk or not, if you are not exercising enough, you are no closer to losing weight.
On the contrary, there are studies that suggest that milk helps in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. The whey and casein in milk are the two main proteins in the milk that actually help in building lean muscle and improving body composition.
Fat-free milk or skimmed milk is the kind from which the cream is removed. Hence, it has less fat and fewer calories. This is why fitness-conscious people tend to prefer skimmed milk over traditional cow’s milk. If you compare skimmed milk nutrition facts with cow milk you will find only 80 calories in an 8-ounce glass which is significantly lesser.

In fact, milk becomes an essential part of your diet if you are trying to build your body. Milk can help you build muscle instead of fat mass. Studies have also found that drinking two cups of skimmed milk after resistance exercise help men reduce fat and gain more muscle weight. No wonder, your gym trainer prescribes you whey protein because it does the same thing, more or less.
If weight is not the reason, some people have other aversions to milk like lactose intolerance, bloating, or stomach discomfort. Some people don’t consume milk due to lifestyle choice aka veganism. In that case, you may resort to substitutes like soy milk or almond milk to replenish your body with essential nutrients.
Coming back to the question, does milk make you fat? Only if you don’t exercise. Everything is going to make you fat if burning calories is not your thing.