
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion In workplace & society

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) have become buzzwords recently, but they are much more than that. DEI is a critical issue affecting not only the workplace but society as a whole. DEI is about creating a culture where everyone feels valued, respected, and included, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, or ability. This article will explore why DEI is essential in the workplace and society and how it can be achieved.

Why is DEI essential in the workplace?

The workplace is where we spend our maximum time, and it is essential that everyone feels included and valued. Here are some reasons why DEI is crucial in the workplace:

Improved business performance: DEI makes good business sense. Studies have shown that various teams are more innovative and perform better than homogeneous ones. In addition, companies that embrace diversity have a competitive advantage in attracting and keeping a hold on top talent.

Increased employee satisfaction and retention: Employees who feel valued and included are more satisfied and engaged, leading to lower turnover rates. This, in turn, saves companies time and money spent on recruitment and training.

Better decision-making: Diverse teams bring various perspectives and experiences, leading to better decision-making and problem-solving.

Positive brand image: Companies prioritizing DEI send a strong message that they are committed to fairness and equality, which can lead to a positive brand image and increased customer loyalty.

Why is DEI essential in society?

DEI is not just an issue that affects the workplace but also society as a whole. Here are some reasons why DEI is essential in the community:

Social cohesion: A society that values diversity, equity, and inclusion is more likely to be cohesive, with people from different backgrounds coming together to work towards common goals.

Reduced discrimination and prejudice: DEI initiatives help to reduce discrimination and bias against marginalized groups, leading to a more just and equal society.

Improved health outcomes: Marginalized groups often experience poorer health outcomes due to discrimination and lack of access to healthcare. DEI initiatives can help to address these issues and improve health outcomes for all.

Economic growth: A society that embraces diversity and inclusion is more likely to attract investment and talent, leading to economic growth and development.


How can DEI be achieved?

Achieving DEI is a challenging task, but it is necessary. Here are some ways that organizations and society as a whole can achieve DEI:

Educate and train: Education and training are essential in creating a culture of DEI. Companies can provide diversity training to employees to help them understand and appreciate different cultures and backgrounds. Schools can also incorporate DEI into their curriculum to teach students about the importance of diversity and inclusion.

Embrace diversity: Companies should actively seek to diversify their workforce, including at the leadership level. This means recruiting from various backgrounds and creating a culture that values and celebrates diversity.

Foster inclusion: Inclusion means creating an environment where everyone feels valued and respected. This can be achieved by developing policies and practices that support inclusivity, such as flexible working arrangements and diverse employee resource groups.

Address systemic issues: DEI initiatives must address systemic issues such as racism, sexism, and homophobia. This requires a commitment to change from individuals and organizations and government policies that promote equality and justice.


DEI is a critical issue that affects the workplace and society as a whole. Creating a diversity, equity, and inclusion culture can improve business performance, reduce discrimination and prejudice, and create a more just civilization.

