Somehow the Coronavirus pandemic keeps taking new twists and turns.
Now it has been found that people who recovered from COVID-19 infections are getting infected again.
But the terrifying part is that despite these people getting infected for the second time do not show any symptoms at all, while they can still spread infection.
Doctors suggest that only way to deal with this problem is to practice social distancing and be cautious until it’s absolutely clear that the pandemic has passed.
People are testing positive again after 70 days of recovery

Reuters reported from Wuhan, China that people who recovered from Coronavirus were tested negative, but now they have been tested positive again.
Some patients tested positive even after 70 days had passed since their recovery and discharge from the hospital.
Cases have been coming from China, Italy, Japan, and Korea

While Reuters and other media websites have reported that there could be hundreds of such cases of former Coronavirus patients getting infected again – China has not published any official info on the exact number of cases.
Chinese officials also say that they have no information about whether the second-time infected patients could be spreading the infection to others.
But similar news has come out of other severely infected countries such as Italy, South Korea, and Japan.
In South Korea, nearly 1000 people were tested positive after four weeks of clearance while in Italy the duration was even longer than a month.
When a patient from Wuhan, China was tested positive after 70 days of clearance – Dr Yuan Yufeng of Zhongnan Hospital said: “We did not see anything like this during SARS.”
Is there something wrong with the Coronavirus test?
While it has been doubted that the Coronavirus test itself is flawed and perhaps it is clearing patients with weak infections and showing them as negative so that they are getting discharged from the hospital. And later the infection builds itself up again, and they start to show positive in the test results.
Or the virus itself is tricky to understand?

But another simpler theory proposed by some scientists is that COVID-19 virus is very much similar to the virus for common flu. And no matter how many times you get it, you can still catch the infection again because we can’t really develop a natural immunity to it. Although, this theory remains to be verified.
WHO has jumped into action

The World Health Organization (WHO) has sprung into action, and they are going to be investigating the reports from South Korea and elsewhere to discover what we really don’t know about the Coronavirus and why is it acting so mysteriously.
Featured Image Courtesy: Reuters