
Chinese “Wet Markets” Have Reopened Again in Wuhan, According to American Media

While the Coronavirus pandemic is getting worse day by day – reaching nearly one million cases and more than 50,000 deaths. Another news comes from China which is not only heartbreaking, but it could also trigger a second wave of the deadly virus outbreak.

It has been reported that the China’s wild animal meat market in Wuhan has opened again, and they have started selling bats, snakes, pangolins and dogs for human consumption.

It is known that Wuhan was the ground zero and the epicentre of the Coronavirus outbreak, since the virus jumped from pangolin into a 55-year old human who was the first person known to be infected.

Wuhan meat market has opened again, the place of first Coronavirus infection

Image Credit: CNN

After the outbreak, the Wuhan market was shut down during the month of January – and later on March 5, the Chinese government had banned the consumption of wild animals.

But the ban didn’t even last for a month, as the markets have been reopened and guards have been placed to prevent people from taking pictures, according to American media.

“The markets have gone back to operating in exactly the same way as they did before coronavirus.”

Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images

Right now, it seems that the Coronavirus cases in China have become stable with a minor rise every day – and the Chinese government has already declared that they have won the war against Coronavirus. Lockdown and quarantine protocols have been relaxed as people have started going out to markets, cinema, and other events.

Scientists, medical experts, and animal rights activists from all over the world have demanded that the China’s wild animal meat market should be banned but the wealthy elites running this business of trafficking and sale don’t seem to cower down to international pressure.

People in Wuhan are buying pangolin meat by standing on chairs

Image Credit: Reuters/Aly Song
On the other hand, people have been buying meat by standing over the chairs to be able to reach the high countertops of Wuhan meat market.

We still haven’t found a cure or a vaccine yet and if history is any indication then this careless move on the part of Chinese meat lords will cost the world a second wave of the deadly pandemic.



Featured Image Courtesy: The Hill

