
Woman Brings 23 Relatives On A Blind Date To Test The Man’s Generosity

Imagine you go on a date, expecting to have a nice meal and a good time. That’s not too much to expect, right?

But instead, you end up feeding a bunch of relatives who showed up with your date, and you have to pay their bills too. What would you do?

This bizarre incident happened to a man in China when his date brought 23 of her relatives with her to test the man’s generosity.

Her relatives started feasting like there was no tomorrow

Image Credit: The Hobbit

According to a local newspaper, a man named Xiao Liu and an unnamed woman had arranged to meet on a blind date and it was really the first time they were meeting. Still, the woman thought this was the right time to test how rich and generous the man is, so she brought 23 of her relatives.

All the relatives helped themselves to a hearty meal, ordering even alcohol and cigarettes – thinking that someone else would be paying for all of it.

The man ran away after seeing the huge bill

Image Credit: Tenor

At first, the man didn’t think he would have to pay for everyone’s meals but he was baffled when the woman asked him to pay all their bills.

The bill came up to about 20,000 Yen, and so Xiao was not only shocked but he also managed to scoot out of the restaurant without paying any of the bills. He even turned off his phone.

..and finally, they reached a settlement

Image Credit: The Hobbit

Later, the relatives searched for Xiao and brought him back. Eventually, they reached a settlement where the relatives paid all their bills and Xiao paid his own bill along with the woman’s bill.

The story has gone viral on social media –  and most people agree that for Xiao, walking out of the restaurant was the right thing to do.



Featured Image Courtesy: Hauterfly

