
12 Funniest Responses by Kids!

funniest kid responses

Kids don’t stop surprising us. They always know what to say, and the response is mostly so confident, that it’ll be like it was meant to be just how they said it. Even though their responses are overpowered with innocence, they’re still so apt, surprising, and most times even funny. Forget even responses, just about anything they do is sometimes so unexpected that it becomes funny to the listeners (and now to us readers), that one cannot help lightening the mood in that moment. All said and done, kids add the missing chuckles to our lives, and no matter how much they tense the adults in some moments, they still are the joy of our lives!

1. “My 10-year-old son wanted me to share with all of you the suit of armor he’s been constructing.”

15+ Kids That Are Funnier Than Your Favorite Knock-Knock Joke
Courtesy: Reddit

2. “A card I made as a kid for my mom while she was in the hospital.”

15+ Kids That Are Funnier Than Your Favorite Knock-Knock Joke
Courtesy: Reddit

3. “The kids made me breakfast for Father’s Day.”

15+ Kids That Are Funnier Than Your Favorite Knock-Knock Joke
Courtesy: Reddit

4. “My 3-year-old daughter convinced her camp counselors that it was her birthday. Her birthday was 4 months away.”

15+ Kids That Are Funnier Than Your Favorite Knock-Knock Joke
Courtesy: Reddit

5. “So, my daughter did a magic trick with our last TP roll…”

15+ Kids That Are Funnier Than Your Favorite Knock-Knock Joke
Courtesy: Reddit

6. “My daughter fell asleep in the cart at the grocery store last night.”

15+ Kids That Are Funnier Than Your Favorite Knock-Knock Joke
Courtesy: Reddit

7. “My daughter has always been a ‘think later’ kinda girl.”

15+ Kids That Are Funnier Than Your Favorite Knock-Knock Joke
Courtesy: Reddit

8. “My kid asked me to play hide and seek with her. I, of course, obliged. This is her genius-level hiding tactic. The cat bed.”

15+ Kids That Are Funnier Than Your Favorite Knock-Knock Joke
Courtesy: Reddit

9. “My 1-year-old son likes to peek into my home office doors. Just stands there and smiles until I acknowledge him.”

15+ Kids That Are Funnier Than Your Favorite Knock-Knock Joke
Courtesy: Reddit

10. “I took a picture of the moment my 2 kids realized all the donuts at the party had been eaten while they were off playing on the swings.”

15+ Kids That Are Funnier Than Your Favorite Knock-Knock Joke
Courtesy: Reddit

