There’s only one rule to become rich- that there’s no one rule! Ideas don’t only to those with great wisdom or degrees. Some millionaire ideas are born when you least expect them. What really matters is one is courageous enough to pursue the idea without the fear of judgment or failure. These 10 millionaires became who they are with their creative ideas, and they give us #successgoals! From magic mops and doggles to pet rocks and the slinkys, soak in some inspiration from these creative people.
1. Philip Ozersky, a baseball
2. Gary Clegg, a blanket with sleeves
3. Jonah White, Billy Bob Teeth
4. Roni Di Lullo, Doggles
5. Gary Dahl, Pet Rock
6. Guy Laliberté, Cirque du Soleil
7. Alex Craig, Potato Parcel
8. Joe Pellettieri, Big Mouth Billy Bass
9. Ken Ahroni, Lucky Break Wishbone
10. Byron Reese, SantaMail