
99-Year Old Man Arrested For Going To A Party During The Lockdown

While most of the world is in lockdown, and most people are staying indoors – Coronavirus is still spreading faster than a wildfire. Yesterday, we crossed one million cases and 50,000 deaths and now within the next 24 hours, we have reached 1,074,290 cases and 57,000 deaths.

It’s all happening because there are still some people who are still going out and inviting people over.

A 99-year old man and the host will be facing criminal charges

Image Credit: Giphy

A 99-year old man was arrested in New Jersey, US – for breaking the lockdown protocol and attending an engagement party. Surprisingly, he went out despite knowing that older people over the age of 80 are at an extremely fatal risk of catching the Coronavirus. In fact, the average age of dead COVID-19 patients is 80.

Despite the state-imposed ban on the public gatherings, there was an engagement party hosted by a couple in Lakewood, New Jersey – according to the Police Chief Gregory Meyer.

The engaged couple who hosted the party was charged with six cases of child endangerment. Since there were six children also present at the party. Nine other adults present at the party were also charged under criminal law.

There are “Stay Home” orders executed in the 40 states of US – which put a ban on any kind of gathering including parties and celebrations.

The authorities have said they will “name and shame” those who break the lockdown

Image Credit: HuffPost

The New Jersey governor was offended and angered beyond limit, he wrote on Twitter:

“Can’t believe I have to say this at all, let alone for the second time. But here we are. NO CORONA PARTIES. They’re illegal, dangerous, and stupid. We will crash your party. You will pay a big fine. And we will name & shame you until EVERYONE gets this message into their heads.”

Unfortunately, this isn’t the first party that people have tried to have despite the lockdown. People have been trying to arrange festivities and celebrations, despite the looming risk of Coronavirus and in the face of an open warning by the government that such people will be charged under criminal law.

USA has the fastest growing number of COVID-19 cases and deaths

Image Credit: Worldometers

According to CNN, 93% of the US population is under lockdown but the US also has the fastest growing number of Coronavirus infections and deaths. That’s only because many people are still going out and violating the lockdown.

In Tampa, Florida, a pastor was charged for organizing a church service during the lockdown. In India, people continue to gather for Hindu festivals and at Hindu temples, despite the open lockdown order.




Featured Image Courtesy: CBS

