
8 Women share pro flirting episodes!

flirting tips

One might think that it isn’t the age of pickup lines anymore. Although, flirting is still part of the dating world. Lives are much different now, and so are the pickup lines and flirting styles. Things aren’t as difficult as they were before because mostly relationships begin mutually. There’s hardly any pursual left. No matter what the situation, a little flirt here and there harms nobody. In fact, it’s just the opposite. It hands women a sense of security that you like no one else better than her. Women don’t consider it lame and will blush just as much. Flirting and pickup lines that have a sense of entertainment and touch of humor are the best.

These women shared some pro flirting episodes and pickup lines. Here’s some inspiration.

1. Swept her off her feet, literally!

21 Ladies Shared the Smoothest Pickup Lines That Made Them Fall Harder Than Ever
Courtesy: Reddit

2. “When I was 10, I received a love letter from a boy. It contained a flower inside, and at the bottom of the letter, he wrote some cheat codes for Mortal Kombat for me. He knew I was always playing that game on my Sega.”

© Reddit & Soybutteraddict

3. What better way to commit?

21 Ladies Shared the Smoothest Pickup Lines That Made Them Fall Harder Than Ever
Courtesy: Reddit

4. “We met at a Halloween house party. When I was going to leave, he walked me to the room with all the coats, which also happened to be a kid’s room, and he asked, “What color crayon would you like to write your phone number with?” I married him. Celebrated 20 years.”

© Reddit & Constantlearner01

5. “We were classmates in college. I made a comment once about my eyeliner running out, and he brought one to school the next day. Found out from his brother after we started dating that he had spent like an hour at the store asking the makeup employees for the right one since he had no idea what an eyeliner pen was. We’ve been married for 4 years now and he’s still a total sweetheart.”

© Reddit & Dammitnoobnoob

6. Word play?

21 Ladies Shared the Smoothest Pickup Lines That Made Them Fall Harder Than Ever
Courtesy: Reddit

7. “We were laying on the floor listening to records and he turned to ask me what time it was. I think it was 4 if I remember. Then he said, “Wow, you’ve been here 4 hours and I haven’t kissed you yet?” Still makes me smile, and needless to say, it worked very well.”

© Reddit & gjdsxx

8. “He said, “I have a riddle for you,” then he took my hand and traced a line down the middle of my palm. “This is a river. It’s too wide to jump over, too deep to wade across, too fast to swim across, and too long to go around. There is a bunny stuck on one side of it. How does the bunny cross the river?

After about 10 minutes of me trying to guess the answer, I gave up and asked him how the bunny got across the river. He said, “Who cares? I just wanted to hold your hand!”

© KitKatPattywhaks & Reddit


