
8 Simple Steps To Take WOW Selfies Like Kylie Jenner

Do you suck at taking selfie photos and always wondering how other people get such perfect selfie while you look like a potato with a double chin?

Obviously, there is a reason why Kylie Jenner’s selfies are always on fleek because she has mastered the art of getting a good selfie picture. You can too be a Selfie Queen or King if you just follow these simple steps to take selfie photos.

How to take a good selfie picture

#1 Angles are everything

If you want to get a perfect selfie, then you should know that angles at which you take selfie photos are everything. Everyone has one best profile from where their selfie photos look best. If you don’t know yours, experiment with various angles until you find one. Avoid taking shots from below the chin. It’s a horrible angle.

#2 Lighting is important

Whether it is a selfie or other pictures, lighting is paramount to taking good photos. If you want to take a good selfie picture, then make use of natural lighting. Make those under eye circles and shadows disappear with good lighting. Sunlight or light coming out of your window is better than standing facing to a light bulb or television in your room.

#3 Use the beauty feature

Some phones have a beauty feature embedded in their camera using which makes your pimples and dark circles hide. This feature hides any blemishes making your skin look flawless and gives you a good selfie picture.

#4 Use Filters

There is nothing that filters cannot fix. Use awesome filters to accentuate your selfie photos and get that perfect shot which will get you the most number of likes on Instagram. Social media apps like Snapchat and Instagram already offers like a hundred filters which you can use to beautify your selfie photos. Just don’t overdo it.

#5 Take a lot of selfies

Just like you create multiple drafts before you have a masterpiece, you take a lot of photos of yourself to shortlist from before you finally choose ‘the one’. Even Kylie Jenner takes like 500 selfies before she posts her best selfie on Instagram.

#6 Edit your selfies

If you think your selfies aren’t as good as you thought, you can always edit the way you want them. Take help of editing software to get a perfect selfie picture. Don’t overdo it that it looks fake and you can’t even recognize yourself in the photo. However, you should feel confident about yourself.

#7 Avoid cliches

Duck face and pouts are passe now. Being natural is in the trend these days. Act goofy, crazy, bubble, or a cute version of yourself. Whatever you do, just be yourself. You don’t always have to copy what everyone else is doing. Come up with your own selfie poses and create a trend.

#8 Smile

Most importantly, don’t forget to smile. Smile is the secret sauce behind taking selfie photos. There is nothing that can make you look more beautiful than your smile.

Now, get going and take a good selfie picture of you.

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