
7 Yoga Asanas That Can Help You Reduce more Weight Than Heavy Workouts

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is more important now than ever. COVID has changed our lives completely and changed our perspective of how we live our lives. Yoga being a new favorite form of workout has gained a lot of popularity worldwide especially during the lockdown. Many of us know the basic benefits of yoga but there are numerous benefits and weight loss is one of them. Yes, you heard that right!

Some asanas can actually help you lose weight without getting engaged in heavy workouts. 

1) Triangle pose (Trikonasana)

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2) Warrior II pose (Virbhadrasana)

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3) Upwards Dog

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4) Chair pose

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5) Boat pose

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6) Bow pose (Dhanurasana)

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7) Bridge pose (Setu bandha Sarvangasana)

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